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Silver Moonlight
Creators: The Raventeam
General Info: Combo Site, with extensive information, images, music, articles,
fanfics, and a huge fanart gallery. German language version also available.
Nominated By: Kate and SC |
Comments: |
Silver Moonlight is one of those pages that shows you do not need fancy
elaborate designs to have a great page. That's not to say the designs are
poor and boring, they are just simple, nice, and effective. This is also a
site that proves lots of original content is more important than design.
The site contains several sections, including an anime information section, an
info section on other topics related to Sailormoon, an images section, and a
fanart and articles section. Needless to say this site is huge! But you don't
have to worry about getting lost, it's easy to get around each section thanks
to that simple, effective design I was talking about.
Some of my favorite highlights included: The "Moonlight Reflections" Section
which is packed full of information. It features complete shrines to each of
the senshi (with the exception of Saturn) and has complete and extensive
information on every villain, including some for the "Monsters of the Day"
from each season. This is one of few SM sites that I have seen which covers
all the characters effectively and with originality. Another highlight was
the "Moonlight Dreams" Section, especially the "Crystal Visions" fanart
section. I don't think I have ever seen a larger collection of SM fanart
anywhere. I should also mention how the Image Gallery has a nice idea of
telling you exactly what the authors of the site would like in exchange for
using their scans.
As for improvements, well I have to say it, they have to do something about
that entrance page to to the senshi shrines. They do warn you it will take
a while to load, and they do provide text links if you do not want to wait.
But the graphics are so nice it seems a shame that not a lot of people
will see it. I did notice all the graphics are jpegs, so maybe loading time
could be improved by converting some of the graphics to low colour gifs.
That is if quality isn't sacrificed too much.
Silver Moonlight is an excellent site worth checking out on a regular basis.
The five members ofthe Raventeam have done a great job working together in
order to put this site together.
The eternal question... Can a single web site keep a fan interested for a whole evening?
Well, this one can. This thing is HUGE.
You often see sites that hide their lack of material by dividing it up in a thousand sections, and seeing the many section this site has, you might be tempted to wonder if that is what is happening here. Shame on you if you do! Each and every section of this page is big, and the shrines would deserve an award by themselves.
Moonlight reflections has a lot of very unique material, including a little course on how to wear a kimono (courtesy of Rei). The Moonlight archives has information on Naoko-san, Japan, the solar system, and a section on legends and mythology. It's really nice for those of you who like to dig into the background of SM.
A bookmark/favorite must. This page has everything you want, and then some. Took me a whole evening to make this tiny review because I was just enjoying the page and taking my time visiting.
By the way, the Saturn shrine is now completed.
This site is, in my opinion, one of the very best Sailormoon sites I've
ever encountered. The site design is nice and effective, and there's so
much content there that you'll spend literally hours there.. and want to
come back! "Moonlight Reflections" has in-depth senshi info; seasons
info; villain profiles; and a special section on friendship and love.
They're not kidding when they say each senshi page is a shrine- it
literally IS with lots of information, opinions, and fanart of each senshi.
There are many subsections to each shrine, each well done (though I'd
check some of the episode numbers on a few of 'em, like the Uranus and
Neptune shrine). There's episode summaries and villain profiles. The
"Moonlight Archive" has information on each planet; some information on
various Japanese customs (one of the few sites to do so! This is probably
the most in-depth for a Sailormoon page!); different mythology behind
Sailormoon; and info on Takeuchi. "Moonlight Library" has fanfics; opinions;
a VERY cool tarot card section; and info on the team. "Moonlight Dreams"
has fanart; free graphics; multimedia files; image galleries; and contests.
The only problem with the site is the forever-loading senshi shrine
entrance- it's very pretty and nice, just that it takes so long to load up.
This is, I repeat, one of the best Sailormoon sites there is. Go visit
it now, bookmark it, and return to it often!
Feather Dream
Creator: Phi
General Info: A great Elios shrine
Nominated By: ANNE and Usa-p |
Comments: |
One of the last shrines that I thought anyone would do a good job on was an
Elios Shrine. So, with that being said, and seeing this site is here, I
guess I'm out of here. I can't review anymore shrines.
[turns off the computer and goes to lunch]
Of course I'm kidding! No, I'm not kidding about the shrine being good or
about Elios! I'm kidding about me leaving!
[smacks all those people who are now saying "damn!" with the toy guitar]
Seriously though, Phi does a excellent job putting together an effective
shrine to Elios. The Elios information is presented well. This actually
helped me figure a few things out I was missing while reading SMSS manga.
The mythology information is well presented and researched. Thrown in is
the nice addition of the "Thorns" section, which discusses the relations
between Mamoru and Elios. I'm sure the "Bell Tower", which will eventually
cover Chibi-Usa and Elios, will also be a nice article. Hopefully that is
completed soon.
The image galleries, both scans and fanart have thumbnails, and the scan
gallery makes an excellent use of frames to make it easier to get around.
(Yes folks, you're not dreaming. CereCere said someone used frames in a
good way.) While we're on frames, this whole site makes a good use of
them to help reduce loading times and ease navigation. They are setup
properly to allow proper viewing in any screen resolution, and they provide the
text sections lots of room so you can easily read it... unlike some sites
which lately have starting following some new trend of cramming all the text
and content into a little frame "box" that forces you to scroll more than you
should just to read a paragraph!
As for improvements, hard to say. Some sections are still not completed.
So I guess the only improvements that could be made is to see those sections
eventually completed.
If your a fan of the SMSS series or Elios himself, "Feather Dream" is a great
place to check out.
A good Elios shrine would be a terrible thing to waste, so I really suggest you pay this one a visit. It has all the qualities you would look for in a shrine : complete info, background information, just enough of a "cult" feeling to it, and fanwork to expand on the manga and anime by sharing the visions of other fans.
The information is very well presented, and enough information is given about the storyline in which Elios appears to allow even those who never saw a single page of the manga to follow, without being boring for those who do know the story. The relationship between Elios and Mamoru is explained, and a section about Elios's relations with ChibiUsa is in the works. A myth section will satisfy your curiosity about the legends and mythology behind the character and his domain.
The design of the page is very nice and effective, and fits Elios, somehow. I can't really explain it, it just does.
This is a very nice Elios shrine. First off, the design is nice and simple
(as well as very blue and white). There's a ton of info on Elios from the
manga (his entire story from the manga to be exact), his relation to Mamoru,
mythology behind Elios, and stuff on Elios' name. There's also an Elios
look-alike section. Graphics are nicely added throughout each info page so
that they load quickly while are nice to look at. The galleries area has
a lot of pictures in black and white and color, transparent gifs, animated
gifs, and wallpaper. The site also has fanfics, fanart, and other fan
related endeavors to show your support for Elios! The shrine is very well
done and nice; probably the only fault with it is that the Chibi-usa section
isn't completed yet.