These pages are in no special order. These pages are just plain cool! Be proud you don't suck!
All winners may either download this file, or go to
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Be proud you don't suck! |
"Yay Bubble"? Okay, so it has a very unusual title, but it's original to say
the least.
The graphics on this site are very well made. Very nice considering this
page is all about
art and fan art. This site is also exteremly easy to get
around, thanks to its effective
yet simple layout. Sometimes the best
layouts are simple ones.
Lots of great tips on how to make Fan-Art including: Tips on which
materials you may
want to buy and instructions on how to practice
your drawing technique. (And he's not boring
like that painting guy on
PBS!) Of course, there is
also some of the owner's own art and a
some excellent Fan-Art links.
Too bad there wasn't more art by Chong, he does some nice work!
However, if he doesn't have
a scanner of his own, so I can understand.
This is a great resource for fan artists who are interested in learning
techniques with different materials. I enjoyed this page a lot just for
its uniqueness, its beauty, and its wealth of tips and suggestions.
Like Cere, I wanted to see more of the owner's own fan-art... Maybe
in the future sometime?
Ooh, a Fanart page. This is definitely different! Different is GOOD! OH! What a CUTE layout! Wow, this is definitely a good thing for a person who loves to draw fanart (moi :)) But I've never been able to draw Sailormoon the anime, the manga I am so-so at...OTHER anime (Rurouni Kenshin and Card Captor Sakura) I think I'm very well at. Let's have a looksee, maybe I'll learn something neat. :)
Hmm, this is a great site. It gives a lot of FANTASTIC art-tips and manages to weave Sailormoon into the page beautifully.
Did anyone but me get a kick about how the lil spiral in the note book is "backwards" on this site? That is, if someone was using this notebook, they'd be writing from the back to the front? I LOVED it! Maybe I was the ONLY one out there who saw that it's how the Japanese read and how THEIR notebooks work. ^^ Maybe I'm looking too deeply into it. :P
Creator: Sailor Callisto, aka Susan Tkachuk, aka "The one who has
picked so many good pages"
URL: Ai wa Energy
General Info: A Sailormoon / Usagi Shrine
Nominated By: Moon-Star |
Comments: |
What?! A Usagi shrine? For almost a year now, more and more good shrines have
been popping up,
but the vast majority have overlooked the main character of
the show for some strange reason.
However, it seems Usagi is finally getting
her due.
Nice graphics and excellent loading time are nice bonuses to the well made and
fairly complete info sections. I liked the title of the stats page, "Moldy Cheese".
Kind of fits those old, over used stats. The Insight sections are well... insightful!
(Sorry, I couldn't think of a better word.)
As for improvements, you may want to check out the "Crystal Palace Page",
the borders don't
quite line up. The problem seems to be a
<div align="center"> for the top and bottom
and a
<div align="left"> for the middle and text. Another thing you
may want to try: on the pages where you use the "Box Surrounded by
Background" Technique, try adding a cellpadding
between 3 or 5 to your
tables. I personally feel that it would be nicer if there was a
space between the edge of the "box" and the beginning and ends of the text.
This is a very nice shrine to the anime Tsukino Usagi. It's very nicely
set up with the sections neatly laid out. Many of the graphics are
put together so well you probably wouldn't be able to tell that they
were originally separate. (On the other hand, some of the grey bars
resembling Win 95/98's tool bars got annoying.) I liked some of the
sections that defended Moon such as the part where the owner gives
examples of how Moon isn't so defenseless or weak. There's a lot of
info on Moon/Usagi with much creativity involved as well. One of my
favorite sections is simply a description of what Usagi wears with
examples, something you definitely do not see on most pages.
My only real faults with the page- there is quite a bit of incorrect information.
Pretty minor, but they do sort of detract from pages. The Starlights aren't
reborn on Earth, so thus they aren't truly male. Seiya is also not older than
Usagi, he's actually younger than her by a month. Queen Serenity is the one
who imposes the penalty of death upon Pluto, not Neo-Queen Serenity. I
also believe that Neherenia went into the mirror on her own to remain beautiful
forever, rather than Moon forcing her into it.
Ugh, an Usagi shrine *whines like the child she is* Okay, I'll go and I'll be objective. I'm very good at that. :)
Ooh, how pretty. :) I love pretty sites, and it loaded up fast too! Ooh, this is cute too (looking at the page called Rabbit's Dojo). I am one of those people who thinks Usagi is a ditz, well she is, but she's not weak...and hey, this section is very convincing (even tho I didn't need much convincing in the first place.)
The only problem I have is she spelled Maboroshi wrong but that's no big many people really ever say it any ways? ^^;; It was a nice site, very cute and entertaining--even for a NON Usagi fan. :)
Creator: Sarah-neko
Focus: Yuuichirou & Rei
General Info: A Page Dedicated to Yuuichirou & Rei. Were you expecting
it was about someone else?
Nominated By: ? |
Comments: |
Quite a different shrine, one dedicated to the relationship between
Yuuichirou and Rei.
(For you North American only viewers, Yuuichirou
is Chad.)
I never dreamed you could actually put together this much stuff on a minor
character in Sailormoon.
A character that only appeared in part of the anime
to boot! The Rei info is well done, kind of
interesting to read, because it
only talks about Rei's "normal life". There are hardly any references
Sailormars. Throw in a guide to Yuuichirou and Rei episodes, a gallery
and few other things
and you have a very unique and informative site. To
tell you the truth, I can't think of any suggestions
for this site. Well done!
The only Yuuichirou and Rei shrine to my knowledge. Not that there's
anything wrong with senshi shrines at all, just that it's nice to see some
new faces that haven't been done in a while, or at all. A small shrine,
but nicely put together with great graphics, info on Yuuichirou, some
weird things about Yuuichirou-like characters, episode info, et cetera.
Possibly everything you wanted to know about Yuuichirou but never
could except by doing your own dirty work, which this owner clearly
KAWAII! I've never seen a page like this yet. Wow, we're just FULL of original sites this month, ne? :)
Wow. I just read the thing on Rei, that was *amazing!* She hit it RIGHT on. I was so fascinated by it, her explanation of Rei's not using -san, -chan, etc was REALLY interesting to me. By reading THAT page alone, my love for Sailormars was revived. It was a very indepth section on Rei, something that takes alot of analysis..and her analysis isn't weirdass crap either. Next I'll read about Yuurichirou-kun. ACK! This page is so good, I can't say anymore...because I want to tell the author in email! DEFINITELY make this a place to visit, I am!
I can hear the gasps now, "They finally awarded it?!?"
"Neptune's Palace" has to be
the most nominated page in the history of this site. It kept getting
nominated, but for various reasons we never could
review it. Finally it seems the timing is
This site has nice simple layouts, complemented by well-made graphics and
fairly good loading
times. There is alot to do: info, multimedia, graphics, and
lots more.
I've seen smaller combo pages than this shrine!
My only complaint, (if you could call it a complaint) is in the anime info section.
The info seems a little too detailed and seems to run on and on. Maybe it's
just because
I'm not a huge Neptune fan. Actually, I think I know what it
is now. In the anime section, you
need more <P> tags to
divide up and space out the info a little more.
Also in the manga section, you may want to get hold of a copy of IE4. The
layout works
fine in Netscape, but in IE everything gets smooshed into
column about the width of the "ID card"
Pic on the far left of the page. The
problem appears to be the
<td valign=top width=229 colspan="2">
tag before the text "Her story begins..."
That width should be set to 600 pixels,
not 229.
I am really no longer a fan of Sailorneptune anymore (for reasons I will not go into.) However, this site is very beautifully done--not to mention is PACKED with information. It's basically Michiru's life story. I found that the information was accurate and also I learned a couple new things from it (moi, a seasoned SM veteran! This is really fun to learn something new!) The entertainment section was great...and I also liked her lil cosplay pix. :) She goes to anime cons and so do I, maybe I'll see her someday ^_^;
Great site! It's amusing too (the You Know You Like Sailorneptune Too Much When...) was actually rather,...disturbing...cauz I know people like that.. ^_^;