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"Bunny's Tour" has a unique theme, as the name implies, it's set up to act
like a guided tour through the Sailor Moon story, complete with its own
bunny ear wearing tour guide. It's a nice idea, giving it a slightly
different feel from other combos. Sure similar the tour themes have since
been tried by other sites, but this one has stuck to it and has pulled it
Overall the info is pretty good, and includes many sections not normally
found on other sites. However there are some very minor slips here and
there. For example, I don't think Phobos and Deimos are supposed to have
the title of "Sailor", they are more of regarded as Mars' guardians, not
senshi. But pointing that out might be a bit too picky on my part. The
Interviews section presents the main character profiles in a different
way and fits right in with the Tour theme. I also like how a lot of the
sections are tied in together, like if you want to find out more info
on a certain subject that's provided somewhere else on the site, a link is
usually provided to help you find it. I could go on and on about the
other sections, but there are way to many for this review, however I would
also recommend checking out some of the very unique sections like: Minako's
Mangled Proverbs, Red Tatoo, and How Do You Say That.
The only real setup problem I can see is how it's sometimes difficult to
find certain sections. For example, senshi profiles are usually included
in the info section, but here they are listed under "Galleries of Art".
I understand it's because the senshi galleries are tied right into the
profile "interviews", it's just a bit confusing for people who are used
to finding those types of subsections under the title of "Info". Because
of this, if you are someone who wants to find something on this site
quickly, without browsing through several section I would recommend you
use the Site Map on the "Lost? Go To The Tour Directory" page. As for the
rest of the setup, everything loads quick and looks fine.
In short, this site is a large, well established, and frequently updating
SM combo site that is worth checking out on a regular basis.
Here's one site who can protect you from boredom for a whole evening.
Bunny's tour through the silver millenium has tons of stuff, and most of
it is presented in original ways. The Read Along sections contains
different stories from Sailormoon, in prose that makes the information
very nice to read. Birth of a Legend and Powers of a Moonchild, for
exemple, give a beautiful telling of the events of the first and
second season of the anime from Usagi's pov.
The Sailormoon mythology section is one of the nicest section of the kind
I have seen. Not only does it have info on the greek mythology caracters
that are namesakes and inspiration for the SM caracters, it also gives
a short parallel to the SM caracters themselves, pointing out what they
have in common and how they differ from their namesakes. Another nice
feature of this section is the sheer number of caracters for which info
is given (I counted 25, including some villains).
This site has a lot to offer, and a lot of it is very original and well
done. Do yourself a favor and bookmark this site for frequent visits!
To start with, the layout is pretty in some places, especially with the
use of the graphics and the fanart. But the layouts aren't very
consistent as a whole, and the senshi profiles in particular seem to be
really crammed with information and pics everywhere. It's overall
simple and pretty fast loading. The actual page set-up (the links and
stuff) is unique; I did have a few problems with navigation because of
the names of the areas that was kind of weird. (For instance, "Mini
Mall" reminded me of one of those stores where you buy stuff through
Amazon or something).
"Japanese Terms & Info" contains Japanese words and definitions.
"Info Brochures": "Story of the Pretty Warrior" summarizes the end of the
Silver Millennium and the role the senshi have in the present. "Rebirth:
Sailormoon Myths" has in-depth information on various myths related to
characters in SM (not just the senshi but enemies too). The "SM FAQ" has
answers to various questions (though a few answers are questionable. The
spellings to the Outer Senshi's last names for instance aren't technically
correct as you don't write "Kai'oh"/"Kai'ou"; "Elios" vs. "Helios" is also
rather subjective given that "Helios" is probably the name Takeuchi was
going for in relationship at least). "Minako's Mangled Proverbs" is cool,
it has has everything wrong Minako says; "How Do You Say That?" is a
pronunciation guide as well as a listing of the name changes. "Soldiers
vs Scouts" has name changes and place changes and reasonings behind it
(though "tsukikage" does mean "moonlight", literally it is "moon shadow"
but it means moonlight). The "Episode Guide" has translations of the
episode names and a brief description/summary of each episode.
"Snapshots and Interviews" has image galleries of the senshi but also in-depth
info (stats, powers/attacks, items, name pronunciations, "interviews",
"omake/extra", some manga comparisons, and other stuff). Some of the facts
are off in the sections mainly in the Outer Senshi's areas (the henshin names,
and Saturn doesn't have a henshin stick). Also some stuff comes from the
manga but isn't made explicit (Luna and Artemis, for instance, are never
mentioned to come from Mau in the anime). Overall as a whole the information
is very good though. There are also pictures of the senshi in romances and
groups. There are a lot of doujinshi images too besides pics from the anime
and manga. Also information on miscellaneous characters and manga only
soldiers (though Guardian Cosmos, Phobos, and Deimos are not actually Sailor
"Mini Mall": Has some nice fanart, good info on the villains (alphabetically
categorized) with pros, cons, names, attack names, romanized names,
affiliations, brief descriptions, pictures of the manga counterparts, and
names in English if avaliable. The "Royal Court" section has some brief
information on Neo-Queen Serenity, King Endymion, and Lady Serenity with
images and previous identities. "Starlight Cafe" has MIDIs and in-depth
information (stats, appearances, general info, powers, opinions) on the
Starlights and Kakyuu from the anime and manga with pictures.
The page also contains some fanfics, fanart, and a few free webgraphics.
It also has information on the owner, what appears to be a fairly popular
SM pen pal section, links to merchandise, and a separate shrine to the
SMR movie with images, song lyrics, character info, movie credits, and
the different versions of the movie.
Generally when I list stuff like that, it's for my own purpose to keep
track of what's going on. In this case, this is a really long list, so
you can see that this site has lots of things to see, read, and do, and
it is certainly a very good Sailormoon webpage, definitely worth checking
out. You won't be disappointed, it's refreshing in its originality, and
it will definitely keep you entertained for quite a while.