These pages are in no special order. These pages are just plain cool! Be proud you don't suck!
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Be proud you don't suck! |
The Amazone
Creator: Fish Eye and Tiger Eye
General Info: Amazoness Quartet & Amazon Trio Shrine. (We
didn't pick it for the obvious reasons.)
Nominated By: Enigma and Jen |
Comments: |
First of all, nice splash page...I like the little MIDI. ^_- Inside, nice graphics
all around. This page doesn't look like it has a lot of information, but it
does have an episode guide with summaries to lot of the SMSS season.
They are original summaries too, not Doi's! The rest of the page is made
up of pics and files covering just about everything on Trio and the Quartet.
I wish our own Dead Moon Circus Shrine was this complete.
I also hope the extra hits that they may get from this award
don't cause them to get hit with one of those $200 a month bills from
I have to admit a bit of a bias towards this page. It is based around the
Amazons of the SuperS season ;) The page is full of pictures from the
anime, manga, cells, and musicals. There are is a multimedia and sounds
page with related material. The one downside to this page is that it is
short on information. Somewhat understandable since this page focuses on
the baddies from the SuperS season.
Pretty nice page. It crashed my computer a few times, but what I saw
improved my disposition. Nice graphics, nice set-up. My main problem
is that the main page has only graphic links; text links would help.
Lots of different areas, a huge multimedia section, tons of graphics,
even stuff on the SuperS musical. A fun place to go for the Amazoness
fans (err, Amazon fans, too, of course).
Cool! An Amazoness/Amazon shrine! Seems like there
are better and better shrines out there lately.
This one doesn't have a lot of info, but it's still nicely
laid out and the info that is there is quite good.
The episode listings and summeries are nice, clearly
written and are well done.
Bow to the Glaive
Creator: Saturn Lee
General Info: A Saturn Shrine, that's good enough to make you
"bow to the glaive" (ok that was bad)
Nominated By: MoonBrat |
Comments: |
When I first saw this page I thought one thing... "WOW!"
Most shrines we visit are drab, with hardly any effort put into having
an original design. This one isn't like that! A huge amount of written info
on the most mysterious senshi. (not counting Pluto)
I even liked reading her policy on image taking; now that's
a policy!! My only comment on how to improve,
some of the pages do not fit well on 640 resolutions,
such as the origins page. This appears mainly due to the banners
on the top of your pages being slightly too large.
Just shrink them a bit to a width of 600 pixels and I think the problem will be solved.
I've noticed that we are getting more and more well done shrine pages. This
one is focused on Sailor Saturn. The graphics for this page are great with
some very nice touches. Personally, I liked the manga background used on
the attacks page. The suggestions for making your own Saturn toys are quite
unique. It makes me want to go out and make my own Saturn lunchbox despite
Mercury being my favorite. Or perhaps I'll forget the lunchbox and just
take the lunch...
This is a spiffy shrine. It has a neat set-up, lotsa cool graphics, accurate
info [though it's Death Reborn Revolution], opinions and stuff, things about
being goth [though I don't agree with that idea], et cetera. Just a nifty
Saturn shrine to visit, vastly better than the majority of shrines out there
that say, "I like Saturn 'cause she's... um, evil or something" then give
a few million stolen pics with wrong info. Probably one of the best Saturn
shrines I've seen actually.
Yet another good shrine? We're having a two for one sale this
month! A ton of info here, lots to learn for both the "inexperienced"
and "experienced" Hotaru fan.I really liked how she dealt with that
stupid rumor that Saturn is a "goth." Overall a nice read, with lots of other
things to do as well.
Eien Sailormoon
Creator: Rei-chan
General Info: "Combo" page. Correct, original information, downloads, and
Nominated By: Susan Tkachuk |
Comments: |
A combo page with lots of original stuff! The info section is filled
with a lot more than the usual summeries and character profiles,
including info on Nihongo, Hiragana and Katakana. Half of you might
be saying, "What the hell is that?" (I know I was!) Well, it has to do
with Japanese language and writing. See it is good, because I learned
something new for once! That's something I haven't done on a SM page
in a long time. Lots of nice, fast loading pics, (even with a MIDI in the
background) and a nice easy to follow layout to boot.
Graphically, this site is beautiful. There is a low graphics mirror that
was down when I visited. The regular site didn't take that long to load any
way. The character pages where refreshingly different (even though they
still contained the usual blood type/favorite food information) with first
person journal like entries. The villian page was one of the most indepth
I've seen in a while. Not all of the information was accurate, but the
author acknowledges a lack of knowledge on some characters. I spent
around an hour going through this page and hadn't seen it all. A
worthwhile stop in my opinion.
Nice set up from the start. Basically a good page, over all. Some of the
pics look a bit lengthened out and awkward when edited. I'm not overly
infatuated with this page due to minor problems with the info like the Rei
loved Jadeite thing that has never been true; other things are a bit
overgeneralized [like the SMS summary focuses only on Hotaru] Over
all, though, it's a nice page, opinions/rants, Find Usagi, stuff to do, and
the character profiles make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
I have a question first. Is it Eien or Eini?
The owner spells it both ways, but it seems Eien
is the correct one. It contains a great villians page, which is nice to see
because there never seems to be enough on them. (Some of the villains
are cooler than the senshi!) There are some very minor slips in the
info, but it's not enough for me to disagree with presenting this site a
"best of the month" award. The look of this page is also
very nice and unique. A very original page all around.