And the Winner Is... Sailormoon Sites
  January 1999

worst banner
Sailor Nomad's Sailor Moon Gallery

Here's Why:

  • One of the worst examples of HTML we have ever seen in two years!
  • Hardly any of the links work, due to bad HTML.
  • Hard to read backgrounds.
  • The info (once found) is only the 'run of the mill' stats.

Positives About The Page:

  • Sorry, hard to find any positives with this one.
   Nominated by: Nominated by: Anastasia



What can I say? It's loads sort of OK, (I was almost ready to sing too!) on the surface it looks OK, and...
A tag sitting in full view in the middle of nowhere. Now I know this is going to be a treat. Sure enough, unclosed tags all over the place, resulting in none of the links working. They either point to non-existent pages or they all form one big link. When you make a link tag make sure you surround the URL in quotation marks on both ends or do not use quotation marks at all.
For example: <A HREF=""> will work, <A>, will also work. But, <A HREF="> will not work. Also, do not leave a space between < and A HREF. If you leave a space after < it does not work as a tag.
Luckily this page is not called index.html so I can access the site's directory to see what else is going on. Once again, the same problems with tags, this time with the images in the galleries. The same rules works for any tag that uses quotation marks, including IMG tags.
As for the shrines or profiles, they amount to nothing more that the often found stats lists. Combine that with how difficult it is to get around this site, it's definitely one to skip over if you find it listed on any other page.
Almost forgot! It looks like this page hasn't been updated since 1997. Chances are it is abandoned. So I guess this review is more for the benefit of our visitors, rather than the page owner.

Update (Feb 4th): As we expected, this site IS abandoned. I have just heard from the site's former owner. Sailor Nomad has since made a better site in another location. However, people are still finding this "Ghost site". Half our job is helping people avoid exsisting bad pages, therefore the review will remain in place.


Why does this page load up so slowly? Why is it when I click on a link, it doesn't take me anyplace? Why is it that it appears nothing's on here? Why is it when I take Cere's suggestion, look through the directory, I find really stupid pictures that take forever to load up, if at all? Why is it that the profiles are stats and then BS made up? Why am I even bothering to stick around?


Ne, one question, my associates: Why are we even bothering to review a page that hasn't been updated in oh..a year and a half? ^_^; Gomen ne, minna-san, but I don't have the heart (or rather, I DO have the heart) to review this webpage as harshly as the others. It seems fairly obvious to me this is a dead site, with the stuff still up on it. Basically NOTHING on this page works. The HTML is very badly done, mistakes are everywhere. Aw, geez. He's only had little under 5000 hits since at least August of 1997.
Okay, I'm looking at the Senshi stats. Oh my lord. I swear to GOD this is the exact same stuff on my webpage back in '96! Whoa! He stole...but...since I'd rather not take credit for the badly written stuff, I'll just nod and smile.
Ooh! This is cool! On Saturn's page it loads up white, you hafta drag your mouse across it and it "magically" turns purple (the wonders of highlight, ne?) I could be amused for ages. Okay. I'm done. Baibai.

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