And the Winner Is... |
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September 1999 |
Palace of Silence
Here's Why:
- Way too much stuff taken without any credit.
Positives About The Page:
- Nice Layout and graphics.
Nominated by: Peruru no Miko |
Comments: |
Here we have a very odd case. At first when you visit this site you have to ask,
is this a really bad page? I mean it loads OK, the layouts work fine, and the graphics
are clean and fairly high quality looking. However, this site fits an unofficial
rule we all use when looking at pages: "Don't always trust your eyes."
What appears as the easiest way to get around the page, the dropbox, doesn't
work in either IE4 or Netscape 4. However, that's no biggie as the text links
on the bottom of the page work perfectly fine.
The big problem here is the robbing and pillaging of various other
Saturn sites
around the web. I won't try to get into the stuff on the quote
and manga pages
as Ves deals with that quite nicely in her review, however there is
plenty more
where that came from.
Check out the sounds page. The files on it seem to come from
https://members.tripod.com/~BrinaG/hear-it.html, complete with the exact
same translations of what Saturn is saying on each clip and
the exact same
file names.
By the way, after finding all of the things this person stole
I checked out her
credits page just to see if she did ask for
any of this material or at least says
she did borrow it from people.
What did I get? Nothing, of course, zero, zip,
nada. The credits
page is only a list of her friends that either helped her
with the page
or are just there because they are a friend. This thing reads
like an "Academy Awards Thank You Speech" rather than something
thanking the people who she took material from. While it's nice
to mention
your friends, don't you think you should also say something
about all those
people that saved you hundreds of hours of work when you ripped
off the
stuff they worked so hard on?
The first thing I encountered when trying to look at this page is the fact
that the Javascript drop box didn't work. Not one to let little things like
that discourage me, I looked at the source code to find the locations. It
was then that I discovered that I shouldn't have bothered because I'd seen
it already. Yes, this site features the ever-aggravating plundering of
other pages.
May I present to you case number 1: the Quote pages.
http://Jasmine.animecity.ml.org/Saturn/quotes.html from the Palace of
Silence and http://members.xoom.com/silent_senshi/quotes.html from s i l e n
c e. Admittedly, they aren't in the same order, but if you're going to
copy, could you at least go to the bother of correcting punctuation
mistakes? Or perhaps changing the style a little bit?
s i l e n c e gets poached again when it comes to the manga description of
Hotaru. While the wording is not an exact copy, it's easy to see that the
one here is nothing more then a rewriting of the original. (Much like
copying/rewriting out of a book and turning that in for a school project).
>From s i l e n c e: Much to Hotaru's surprise, Chibi-usa appears at her
house one day. Chibi-usa comments how romantic Hotaru's room looks with all
her lamps, to which Hotaru replies, "I prefer obscurity". Compared to:
Much to Hotaru's surprise, Chibi-usa appears at her house one day.
Chibi-usa comments how romantic Hotaru's room looks with all her lamps, to
which Hotaru replies, "I prefer obscurity". (My favorite line!! ^_^)
Someone else's, as well, it would seem... If a school teacher were to be
confronted with this, the student would surely be reprimanded!
The low loading page was actually pretty nice looking- the other selection was
absolutely horrid, at least on my browser. The background was all blank,
nothing fit together, and worst yet, the drop box was malfunctioning. Like
Ves, I went to the source code, which was ever so fun. Better yet, it was
even more fun to constantly switch back and forth between the source
code, the browser, and another open browser so that I could compare the
theft. Not only are introduction, quotes, and profiles stolen from other
places, so are the movie sound files with the same exact file names and
the same exact descriptions. It makes you wonder how much of a Saturn
fan this girl really is; seriously, all she bothered to do was give us a bunch
of stolen material arranged on shoddily made pages (again, only her low
loading page looked any good). That's devotion for ya.