Runners Up Sites |
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1998 |
- Pages that no longer exsist.
- Pages that have not been updated for an extended period.
- Pages that made several improvements and are no longer considered bad.
If your page has been marked as "Improved" you may
go here to download an Improved award banner.
February 1998
Old Reviews for February 1998

Page: Sailor Star Saturn's Super Sailor Star Scouts Site
URL: http://www.mgl.ca/~ptomlins/anji/index.html
Creator: Six Seasons
Comment: Trash info, bad setup [green text on purple background? Try
again], over all a bad place to be.

Page: Silver Millenium Moon Kingdom
URL: http://members.aol.com/APMOONGIRL/index.html/index.html
Creator: AnglPrncez
Comment: Long loader (bad Java and big pics), Incorrect info,
Problems with links and targets. UPDATE: In the process of
making changes to fix problems. Will keep an eye on it (03/16/98).

Page: Chibi Usagi's Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/3026/
Creator: Chibi_Usagi
Comment: Serious ripping off of other people's sites,
pictures directly taken (check the coding), bad background for
reading text against.

Page: The Sailor Moon Universe
URL: http://www.projectanime.com/sailormoon/
Creator: tuxedomask
Comment: May look nice on the surface, BUT!...outdated and incomplete info,
(talks about starlights, but nothing on outers), incorrect rumors, main purpose
seems to be to draw you in and buy SM stuff.
March 1998
Old Reviews for March 1998

Page: Neflite's Temple of the Stars
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7807/
Creator: ????
Comment: Confusing wrong info, slow loading, bad format with
chessy Java. UPDATE: No longer Neflite Temple, now the Anime Nebula,
a page on SM, MKR and EVA. Loading still takes a while on the SM page,
due to very large pics. No large amount of info in SM section,
just pics and multimedia files. At least the pics in the image gallery
now seem to be original.

Page: Blue Starry's homepage
URL: http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/9631/
Creator: Blue Starry
Comment: Copying without permission, low graphics version doesn't
seem that much lower than the high graphics.

Page: ~*Usa*~'s Sailor Moon Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/4973/
Creator: ~*Usa*~
Comment: Uses the old unofficial names for outers, descriptions cluttered,
minor format problems and errors.

Page: Matthew's Sailor Venus Shrine
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/2246/
Creator: Matthew
Comment: This isn't a Sailor Venus Shrine! What is there is a waste of time.

Page: Moonlight Knight and AinoMinako13's Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/9160/sailormoon.html
Creator: Moonlight Knight and AinoMinako13
Comment: Copied another page without credit.
April 1998
Old Reviews for April 1998

Page: Welcome In Crystal Tokyo
URL: http://www.sailormoon.org/~demando/sailormoon.html
Creator: Prince Demando
Comment: Long loader, ripped-off stuff, lots of broken links.

Page: Dedication to Haruka
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/4364/ura.html
Creator: taylorlvr
Comment: Not really worth the time, if you were looking for a shrine

Page: Melvin's Sailor Moon Web Page
URL: http://www.crosswinds.net/fredericton/~sailormoon/
Creator: Melivn
Comment: Hard to read, slow loading speeds, 'sexual tension' between Haruka and Michiru? What da? O_o
Page: Merc-chan's Sailor Moon Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/9057
Creator: lightguardian
Comment: Lots of big ripped-off pics, lots of big text, lots of big KBs which all adds up to a sucky page.
May 1998
Old Reviews for May 1998

Page: Sailor Moon's Manga Homepage
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/5943/
Creator: Carol and Sally
Comment: Rips off info from one page, dumps everything into one HTML.
Page: Sailor Senshi's Campus
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~SenshiUranus/index.html
Creator: Jade
Comment: Very long loader, broken and stolen pics, not really a lot to do here,
so not worth the time.

Page: A Moon Star is Born
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/4005/
Creator: Guardian Ivy
Comment: Well she dumped the Java window, and stripped down some other things,
but it still takes forever to load, and other problems still present.

Page: Sailor Ceara's Sailor Moon site
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Set/7831/index.html
Creator: Sailor Ceara
Comment: She is in the process of improving the page, will keep an eye on it.
June 1998
Old Reviews for June 1998

Page: The Anime Place: Sailor Moon
URL: http://www.webhampton.com/dennis/DENNIS1.HTM
Creator: Moussewcon
Comment: Rips off Doi and the SMFAQ, just a waste of time for something you can find better elsewhere.

Page: Eternal Moon World
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/1914/
Creator: Usagi & Crew
Comment: Confusing info, false thumbnails. UPDATE:Has since cleared up the problems
with most of the info and has fixed the thumbnails and some other little improvements.

Page: Supreme Goddess Rei's Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/4953
Creator: SG Rei
Comment: Has since improved a lot of the layout and frame problems (note to SG Rei: we don't hate frames, just poorly set up ones.) However, the content problems are still there. Will keep an eye on it though.

Page: The Sailor Uranus Gym
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Shrine/7235/gym.html
Creator: ChibiUsako
Comment: Simply ripped off
Skysenshi@The Racetrack just about word for word, and stole pics from there as well
with direct links.
July 1998
Old Reviews for July 1998

Page: The Senshi Temple on Cherry Hill
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/1492/
Creator: Chibi Chibi Moon
Comment: Rips off a site banner from another site, those lovely Fan-dub names and more!
Actually not much more, nothing really.

Page: Pretty Soldier Land of Love
URL: http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/4299
Creator: Meg and Manja
Comment: Long loader, mixed-up info, mainly links off to other sites while making it look like they
have a lot of content.

Page: Larissa's Dark Kingdom Palace
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~MOONGAURDIAN/index.html
Creator: Larissa
Comment: Big time screw-ups in info and even some stuff made up.
Page: The Sailor Moon Gallery
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/1098/
Creator: Jason Rodgers (but he didn't really create it)
Comment: Ripped off another page's basic layout and several pics (http://www.baynet.net/~philip/sailor.htm)
Some Bonus Pages in July:

Page: Andrew's Unofficial Sailor Moon Headquarters
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~SMUnofficial/
Creator: Andrew
Comments: Long loading time, direct links to pics and music,
direct links to Hitoshi
Doi's summaries. Everything is now broken
because he direct linked. A Page to avoid.

Page: Jacob's Sailor Moon Page
URL: http://jacob.simplenet.com/sailmoon.htm
Creator: Jacob
Comments: Long loading, huge pics. Has ChibiChibi and
Starlights pics on outer
senshi page, all pics stolen and movies stolen,
no credit to any place.
Another Page to avoid.

Page: §uper §ailorLoony's(Lita) §ailorMoon Page!¡!
URL: http://home1.gte.net/klwl/index.htm
Creator: Lita or Sailor Loony, which ever you prefer.
Comments: Direct links, bad setup, too many images, moving
gifs on the page,
and pointless stuff. Everything is basically on one
HTML file, not a lot of info,
so not really worth the trip.
September 1998
Old Reviews for September 1998

Page: The Nuka Sailor Moon Page
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~jupiter1/nuka.html
Creator: Sailor Neptune
Comment: Mucho stolen pics, all direct linked, Info only basic stats all adding up to
a waste of time.

Page: The Forbidden Eternal Moon
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~EternalMPrincess/History.html
Creator: Eternal Princess
Comment: Totally twisted info for a fanfic, but no clear warning that this stuff is for a fanfic. Almost impossible to navigate.

Page: Daydreams of Mina
URL: https://members.tripod.com/~Sailor_Venus_Shrine/index.html
Creator: XxDarienvX
Comment: Long loading, overly large link pics without any alternate text links provided.
Copied and pasted info. We also commented on the crazy stuff added for halloween. Well I'm writing this on Dec. 3rd
and the halloween stuff is still there!

Page: The Gallery of The Silver Millenium
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/ak/SailorPics/
Creator: JessMack
Comment: Lots of ripped off pics, direct linking.
Bonus Page:

Page: Sailor Stars Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Harbor/7701/
Creator: Anna
Nominated by: Unknown
Comments: Takes forever to load thanks to several direct linked pics.
November 1998
Old Reviews for November 1998

Page: Moonies Fun House!
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Ginza/3623/Page.htm
Creator: Guyver
Comment: Tottally rips off another site...

Page: My little Sailor Moon page!
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/3047/
Creator: Sailor Tempest
Comment: Long loading and a bit twisted info.
Page: Sailor Figment's Sailormoon Page
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Garden/7452/
Creator: Sailor Figment
Comment: Long Loading again, and good old direct linking pics without credit.

URL: http://users.wantree.com.au:8080/~atorre/
Creator: Sailor Doom
Comment: A lot of twisted info and info that should be organized better. Update: This page was once marked as Improved. Many things did Improve,
but several things have gotten worse since then. Therefore we decided to downgrade it.
Bonus Page:

Page: Artemis Sailor Moon Page
URL: https://www.angelfire.com/ky/artemis246/index.html
Creator: Artemis
Comments: Once again we have a page that direct links, steals both pics and bandwidth
from other sites. This of course results in a slow loading page with broken pics everywhere.
Sorry Artemis, but what good is a image gallery filled with broken pics? Use your own webspace.
Continue to 1999 »